Oct 13, 2007

A Few Jokes From Emma

There are 3 kids. Their names are Manors, Poop and Shut-up. One day all 3 went down to the lake. Poop feel into the water. Manors went in after him. Shut-up went to get help. When Shut-up found a cop he told him that his friends fell down into the lake. The cop asked him what his name was, he replied "Shut-up". The cop asked him again...Son what is your name? Shut-up said the boy. The cop asked him a third time....Son what is your name? Shut-up said the boy. The cop then asked him where his Manors were. The boy responded, "Down at the Lake picking up Poop." What do a dog and a tree have in common?--They both have barks How do you keep a skunk from smelling?---You hold it's nose These are just a few jokes Emma wanted to tell us. Hope you enjoyed them.


The Katzbox said...

Emma...you are silly!!!

Jette said...

Emma is so funny. We were laughing for a long time with the poop joke. We had to write it down.

Emmy said...

Emma is a silly willy! Emma is a silly willy! Emma is a silly willy!