Jul 11, 2007

Stupid Guy Movies

Today was a normal day. Nothing really big happened. Just sat around hanging with my family. I am on the computer and Chris and his cousin Bobby (which I will be bring up a lot) are watching the stupidest movie. Every time I turn around there is a guy acting stupid or someone puking because he drank to much. What is with guys and stupid movies? I can't stand it. Of course I make them sit through "chick flick's" so maybe it's payback.

1 comment:

The Katzbox said...

You "make" them sit thru chick flicks?...like it's sooooo tough to watch hot girls cry and try on cloths while shopping....puhleese.

Guys "deal with" chick flicks far better than they pretend...far better....but the puking thing, I have no idea what that's about...none...and those Jack Ass movies, don't even get me started....